It’s like in Breakfast at Tiffany’s when Holly announces to Fred/Paul that she’s going to sing-sing and says that she can’t go with a green face, or in Roman Holiday when Princess Anne says to Joe Bradley that she’s never been alone with a man, let alone in her night gown. Yes I’ll admit that I’ve seen those movies a few hundred times and each time I’ve enjoyed every second. It was also Audrey Hepburn’s birthday yesterday - she would’ve been 82.
Fun fact: I have a massive painting of her in my room, it’s pretty, and black and white and makes me smile.
Back to the mushrooms, these are so juicy, they literally melt in your mouth. The ingredients are so basic, but they really bring out all the good sides to mushrooms. I think white wine, garlic and butter are the holy trinity when it comes to mushrooms.
Roasted Mushrooms (serves 4)
Recipe adapted from: Authentic Suburban Gourmet
1 lbs white button mushrooms
4 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup white wine
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 tbsp butter, cut into pieces
freshly cracked pepper
Parmesan cheese for serving
Preheat oven to 450.
Wash mushrooms and pop out and keep the stems.
Toss mushrooms with olive oil, white wine, garlic and pepper. Place in baking dish and sprinkle pieces of butter over the mushrooms.
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.
Since we’re on the topic of class, I’ve been listening to Billy Joel’s “She’s Got a Way” on repeat all day. Something about this song just conjures up an image of a sophisticated, elegant, gracious woman. I want to be her when I grow up. Alright, enough of this classiness, go and enjoy your decadent, classy, juicy roasted mushrooms.
- Lou

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